Re: [VE][66] Add Subject Here

2011-12-04 23:16, Bob Sherbondy wrote:

> Validating
> Error [66]: "document type does not allow element X here; assuming
> missing Y start-tag"
> Here is the citation of the exact errors (there are 31 of these): /Line
> 76, Column 17/: document type does not allow element "OL" here; assuming
> missing "LI" start-tag
> |				<ol type="A"*>
> What do I need to do to eliminate these errors with the cited tags?

You need to move the </li> tags later or remove them.

When lists are nested, the inner list must appear within a <li> element 
that is a child of the outer list. That is, you must not write e.g.


as this would make the <ol> element a child of <ul>, which is forbidden. 
Instead, you can male the <ol> a child of a <li> element by moving the 
end tag </li>:



Received on Monday, 5 December 2011 09:45:28 UTC