RE: [VE][html5] XHTML5 content-type value

> "If you use http-equiv="content-type", then it must be text/html and may
include a character encoding. You must not use this if you are writing an
XML document."


[I realise that this is off-topic for this list, so apologies in advance

but are you guys aware of whether the above is set in stone now for XHTML5?

This seems an unfortunate "must", as requiring XHTML users to reformat
content and serve it selectively from servers (rather than just being able
to use an XHTML 1.0-BC style mechanism with only http headers changing
according to UA capabilities) seems a real pity, a hassle with no real
benefit. Saying that XML UAs can and should simply ignore certain legacy
bits seems to be free of harm and worked well with XHTML 1.0 BC.

If it is not yet set in stone, can mere mortals express their vote? How?

I assume that if you always use only UTF8 then it's a non-issue anyway, as
no declaration is the reqd as it's the default. Is that right?


Received on Monday, 1 March 2010 13:19:20 UTC