Re: flash

On 24 Jun 2010, at 00:01, Kennith Hillis wrote:

> Why can I not use an embedding from another site without getting multiple errors and warnings in the markup validation service? 

Because the code they are giving you has errors in it.

> I can't even use the fallowing code. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="zplayer.swf?mp3=fichier.mp3&c1=000000&c2=D00000&c3=C0C0C0" width="240" height="30"/><param name="movie" value="zplayer.swf?mp3=fichier.mp3&c1=000000&c2=D00000&c3=C0C0C0" /></object>  

Well, no. It looks like it is supposed to be XHTML (it has the XML style self-closing tags) but it isn't even well formed.

The validator will tell you the errors. Those, combined with a knowledge of XHTML will allow you to correct the problems.

David Dorward

Received on Thursday, 24 June 2010 08:44:43 UTC