DOCTYPE issues with RSS feed.

Nothing more frustrating than trying to solve a problem and only  
finding useless information and thousands of other people who are in  
the same boat.

I tried to validate my RSS feed and I get the "No DOCTYPE found!  
Checking XML syntax only" message like so many others.

The listed DOCTYPE example is for HTML and is totally useless (I  
tried it) for rss feeds.

All the information I have found (google) for RSS feeds were also  
useless since copy/paste of the suggested/proposed solution causes  
more problems or fatal errors.

Here is my header output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">

If this information is insufficient the: 

Now I realize the desire to provide me with information to help me  
understand without providing the solution but without providing the  
solution I will never be able to understand why it is correct so if  
you want to help me please include the solution along with any  
relevant information so I will be able to connect the dots and/or ask  
more intelligent questions.

Received on Monday, 26 July 2010 01:22:45 UTC