Re: EOF detected with HTML5 and NFC

Hi Andreas,

> Construct a *minimal* example, i.e. a test page that is as short as possible.

I do not understand what is going on.


Do you manage to reproduce the following behaviour:
 * (1) is always valid
 * (2) is sometimes valid, sometimes invalid
 * (3) is like 2 -- created afterwards to see whether cache would be involved

(1) and (2) differ only by one byte (in <title> -- a byte has been removed).
If I change a byte instead of removing it, same behaviour.

You can "wget (2)" and try on another server.
I also tried with file upload and see the same thing:  sometimes valid,
sometimes invalid.

And I do not manage to construct another example.  Very strange.

Just try to reload several times that link:

Do you see the valid/invalid behaviour?

Julien ÉLIE

« Ne craignez pas d'être lent, craignez seulement d'être à l'arrêt. »

Received on Thursday, 8 April 2010 18:52:23 UTC