
I used the W3C Link Checker on my new blog. It "suggested" a change  
to the "link" to my WordPress admin log-in url. It used to be just The link checker said that it was  
suggesting an url of very long string of letters, numbers, and  
characters. However, rather than just make a "suggestion" it actually  
changed the url so that now when I log into my account it displays  
this long string.

I'm very upset that the link checker made a change that I did not  
want. Now I cannot get into my WordPress admin without this long  
string. This is outrageous and I don't know how to change it back.

If this is not the correct place to get resolution to this, please  
advise who I should contact.

Donna Gibbs

Received on Monday, 5 October 2009 12:19:19 UTC