Re: [VE][232] getting this error Error [232]: "number of attribute names and name tokens (X) exceeds ATTCNT (Y)"

Hi Steve, all

On 16-Jan-09, at 12:37 PM, Steve Faulkner wrote:
> So is it possible to Increase the ATTCNT in the SGML declaration  
> used with
> custom DTDs. On the W3C validator?

I only vaguely recall past issues with ATTCNT and somewhat remember  
that changing that value could be problematic for “standard” DTDs but  
I can't find any specific pointer, so we might as well try and test:
I upped the ATTCNT in the SGML declaration, and we can test on the  
development version of the validator at:

If this change does not affect validation against other DTDs (need to  
run test suite), this change should make the next release.


Received on Tuesday, 20 January 2009 15:35:17 UTC