Re: Bug in Validator ????

On 3 Aug 2009, at 19:27, Peter Sarro wrote:
> However, with respect to the same referece to the FRAME element  
> under 16.2.2 "The FRAME element", under Attribute Definitions  
> specifies
> a number of attributes and " frameborder" is listed as being a valid  
> attribute for the Frame element with the possible value of either 0  
> (zero) or 1 (digit one).
> Attempting to validate the above code WITH the frameborder="0" or  
> frameborder="1" attribute, for example, <frameset rows="130,*,60"  
> frameborder="0">, results in a Validator error of:
> "Attribute "frameborder" exists, but can not be used for this  
> element. "
> So is this a validator BUG (it would appear to be) or have I missed  
> something subtle here???

The <frameset> element is not the same as the <frame> element (it is a  
container in which a number of <frame> elements reside).

David Dorward

Received on Wednesday, 5 August 2009 13:17:40 UTC