Re: CSS Hacks

I am a little disappointed. Was hoping for more comments despite the
percieved OT nature.

On Mon, 06 Oct 2008 08:21:18 +0200
Came this utterance fomulated by Jens Meiert to my mailbox:

> > The more i work in CSS the more i notice that all browsers need
> > hacks.
> That's a myth, fortunately, even though that myth's not uncommon.

Bugs in other products have and do exist.
is a little out of date but
Dont forget how hard it is to make a large program error free.

Typically i don't often have to write CSS around bugs in gecko, webkit
or presto but on occasions they have not performed as expected without
cludges. khtml is a different fish.


> as well as their impact on performance due to additional HTTP
> requests).
My idea was to enable workarounds if and when bugs do come up in the
future on all modern browsers. This would also allow serving of SVG
background images, for a current example, to browsers that support it
and alternatives to those that do not.

OK, i will ask this question again on a different list.

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

 - Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2008 19:38:58 UTC