Re: [VE][47] A non-empty XHTML page with correct <?xml ... ?> header doesn't get validated at all

Ewgenij Gawrilow wrote:

> The validator says:
> Validating
> Error [47]: "end of document in prolog"
> Is there something wrong with the header or DOCTYPE, or the validator
> merely out of business?

This appears to be a problem in the validator's I/O routines. If you 
check "Show source" in the validator's options, you'll see that it 
thinks that the document is empty. That is, it does not get any data.

Checking with the viewer
which shows the response headers and a hex dump of the content, I cannot 
see anything wrong there. (I suspected a 00 byte but didn't find any.)

As a workaround, until this gets fixed, you can use the validator at

The good news is that there are just a few errors, all fixable simply by 
replacing presentational attributes by CSS rules (or by using 
Transitional DTD).

The bad news is that any released version of IE won't display the page 
at all, since it is served as application/xhtml+xml.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca") 

Received on Friday, 16 May 2008 14:32:03 UTC