Re: DOCTYPE weirdness

On 16 Mar 2008, at 19:09, EGM wrote:
> I selected XHTML 1.0 Transitional for the DOCTYPE, and it came back  
> with "Tentatively Valid" and this message:
>    |DOCTYPE| Override in effect!
> I rechecked the DOCTYPE, found the W3C DTD page ( 
> QA/2002/04/valid-dtd-list.html) and copy/pasted it into my  
> document, and STILL I get the "Tentatively Valid" message. What's  
> up with that?

You told the validator to ignore whatever Doctype was there and use  
XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

> Is there any way to fix this?

Tell the validator to use the Doctype on the page instead.

David Dorward

Received on Monday, 17 March 2008 11:50:43 UTC