Re: How can I make valid for 3W Marck up Validation

Darija Galiæ wrote:

> I hope you will find a few minute to fix my problem

Depends.   The <embed ...></embed> in your example is an old element
from the time of the "browser wars" that never made it into an official Web
standard.   And a few old browsers not understanding <object ...> might
actually do something with it for simple Flash objects.

But because it was never official the W3C validator can't accept it as
"valid" - without tricks like using an unofficial definition saying that  it is
valid no matter what.  You could ignore the error message if you think
that some old browser can handle the "embedded" Flash object, can
handle anything else that's essential on your page, but is lost without
the <embed ...></embed> construct.

Old browser isn't say IE6, I mean Netscape 3.x or similar, *really* old.  
Possibly you use features where such old browsers are anyway lost, 
then it makes  no sense to offer the obsolete <embed ...></embed>,
you could remove it, and find help pages explaining how to improve
the <object ...> for such situations.

The validator is just a script, it tells you that <embed ...></embed> is
not valid.  What you do with this info is your decision.


If "dizajn lab" means what I think it means you are supposed to find,
read, and understand the pages explaining the details of "embed" ;-)


Received on Thursday, 17 January 2008 10:53:08 UTC