Re: Is checklink missing?

Hi Kevin,

On Jan 31, 2008, at 05:48 , Zembower, Kevin wrote:
> Hello, Olivier and the LogValidator team, thank you for making such  
> a useful tool.

Very glad to hear you find it useful!

> I'm having a problem installing LogValidator and LinkChecker on my
> system.
> Now Using the Link Checker module :
> checklink not found at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/W3C/LogValidator/

Odd. It looks like checklink is installed, from what you wrote. Maybe  
your system (is it a unix/linux system?) does not install scripts in  
the same location as usual, and thus the logvalidator cannot find it.

> I searched my system for 'checklink' but didn't find it.

If your computer has "locate" I would suggest running
locate checklink
... and if the locate program finds the script, then edit the  
logvalidator configuration file to point to its location.

If that doesn't work, the "dirty" solution I can think of is to  
download the script from
then save it somewhere on your computer, make sure it is executable  
(chmod a+x in the shell).

Hope this helps,
olivier Thereaux - W3C -
W3C Open Source Software:

Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2008 09:01:40 UTC