Re: and XHTML

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Mon, 08 Dec 2008 17:25:03 +0100, Shane McCarron <> 
> wrote:
>> Because in many cases, including the cases that the NOTE is targeted 
>> at, the server delivers content based upon the capabilities of the 
>> client.  Unless there is a way to have the validator masquerade as 
>> various types of clients, then it will necessarily not see the 
>> content delivered in the way the author intended.  For example, if I 
>> had a way to tell the validator "look like IE and validate this page" 
>> then it would get text/html back from my server and act accordingly.  
>> If I could also say "look like Opera and validate this page" then it 
>> would get application/xhtml+xml and act accordingly.  I don't think I 
>> can do that now.
> That seems like a separate issue unless you think there is no problem 
> if the validator gets text/html content that contains <title/> instead 
> of <title></title>.
If a document is delivered as text/html and uses an XHTML family DTD and 
violates a guideline, I think it would be fine to issue a warning.  In 
my content-negotiation use case, I don't know what version would get 
delivered to the validator.  I would like to be able to ensure that 
people who are using content negotiation get good advice from this 
service.  Happy to work with the team to help make that happen.

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:

Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 16:42:28 UTC