about "W3schools.com is ... crap"

Validating 100 pages from w3schools.com show a lot of errors:

David Dorward wrote:
> David C. Rankin wrote:
>> Dear W3C:
>>     I was cleaning up a simple home page and got down to the following 
>> error
>> concerning the use of nested lists. The list syntax was taken directly
>> from w3cschools css ul example, so I was quite surprised at the error.
> I wouldn't be. W3Schools is ... crap. They get a lot of mileage from 
> people thinking they are endorsed by the W3C though.
> A ul may have ONLY li elements as its children. You have a mix of ul and 
> li elements.
> When nesting lists, a sub-list should form part of a suitable list item.

Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 08:31:00 UTC