Re: Javascript "for" Statement and AJAX "Query String"

On 25 Apr 2008, at 22:20, Yotam Haran wrote:

> It seems that the validator insists on reading the "for" statement  
> I've got in my javascript as HTML, and it throws out an amazing  
> amount of errors because of it. Can't something be done about it? As  
> long as the problem persists, I can't get my page validated properly.

This is correct behaviour on the part of the validator. Since your  
XHTML is masquerading as HTML, see

> As for the AJAX problem, the string that I send out to the server  
> includes ampersands in it, and the validator throws out errors about  
> it too.

Same issue.

> Isn't it possible to make the validator somehow ignore ampersands  
> inside javascript tags, seeing as they're often used for various  
> syntax purposes?

It is theoretically possible, but the point of the validator is to  
find validity errors, not cover them up.

David Dorward

Received on Saturday, 26 April 2008 08:23:51 UTC