Re: please add Accept header to http request containing application/xhtml+xml

>From time to time over the past several years I have served my Home page as 
XHTML 1.0 with Content-Type text/html to IE Browsers and with Content-Type 
application/xhtml+xml to Browsers that recognize that content type -- via 
Content Negotiation. 
My current Home Page -- -- is served in this manner. I compose 
the great majority of my pages using HTML 4.01 Markup (a few using ISO-HTML) and 
they are naturally served as text/html. 
I actually started using Content Negotiation for XHTML documents as an 
experiment to see how the concept worked in practice -- I continue to do so 
mainly just for fun -- I am growing old and need some diversions from serious 
I also employ Content Negotiation for my XHTML+RDFa test page -- -- there is no "Appendix C" provision (ala XHTML 
1.0) in the "RDFa in XHTML (Syntax and Processing -  A collection of attributes 
and processing rules for extending XHTML to support RDF) Working Draft" -- -- if XHTML+RDFa documents 
are served as text/html the W3C Validator adds the following generic note to the 
successful validation report (quote): 
"Warning Conflict between Mime Type and Document Type 
The document is being served with the text/html Mime Type which is not a 
registered media type for the XHTML + RDFa Document Type. The recommended media 
type for this document is: application/xhtml+xml" 
I note that the W3C is currently serving some of their XHTML+RDFa documents as 
Content-Type text/html. 

Received on Tuesday, 22 April 2008 17:09:55 UTC