Nasir's Request Regarding


I was not sure who to email this request to so I appologise if I've 
sent it to the wrong person.

My questions refers to the following page on your website
I've noticed that you have a lot of useful links relating to music.

Would you consider including additional links to this page?
<a href="">Guitar Lesson 

I've formated the link in HTML so just paste it into your webpage 

Please let me know what it would take to include this link on your site 
and if you'd like a link back.

Again sorry if this email was not suppose to be sent to you.

Kind Regards,

Nasir M

UPickReviews (UDCE Pty Ltd)
ABN: 37 106 030 460
Tel: (+61) 2 8005 1337
Address: 308 / 22 Charles Street Parramatta, NSW 2150 Australia

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