Re: XML file upload issues for encoding="UTF-8"

olivier Thereaux wrote:
> I guess that the implementation considers that, when using text/xml  
> without charset, the us-ascii charset is set and therefore the fbc  
> option (which triggers fallback only if there is no charset given at  
> all) does not apply. I think this should be relaxed.

If RFC 2616 and RFC 3023 are really incompatible for text/xml without
charset you could for the moment "fix" this fbc oddity by documenting
it, documented "bugs" are "features" :-)

>> But what I'd really prefer would be a mode to validate documents
>> "as is" independent of any transport oddities.  Ideally this mode
>> would be the new default, and enabling to check a document in the
>> context of its transport to the validator could be an option.
> I don't think I can agree with you here. MIME and HTTP may be causing  
> issues for a few ill-configured or ill-coded servers and browsers,  
> but making it a default to ignore the very important encoding and  
> media type info they convey, and using sniffing instead, sounds like  
> a bad idea to me.

Browsers and servers typically aren't under the control of document
authors, and fixing the numerous errata in RFC 2616 will take years.
Your typical user is a document author, not a browser or standard

The issue isn't reporting a warning for conflicting document and 
"meta" charset info, the issue is to treat this as a _fatal_ error
when that's unnecessary and typically unrelated to what users wish
to validate and can fix, i.e. their document.

The Web services of the validator should be a simple emulation of a
local installation, where you'd look at file://localhost/ URIs for
validated documents.  And file: URIs have no http: headers.  It's a
usability question:  Don't put the blame on ordinary users if IETF,
W3C, Web hosters, or browser developers screw up.  


Received on Friday, 21 September 2007 14:04:45 UTC