Re: Feedback on WWW Validator

On 9 Sep 2007, at 01:39, Dan Short wrote:
> I have a form that is used to submit text to a database using PHP  
> and Mysql. There is a textarea in the form, which allows me to  
> input snippets of HTML for later retrieval by the database. The  
> Validator failed XHTML validation on the page containing my  
> database form because there was a "<br />" inside the textarea.  
> This formatting using the "<br />" is required for retrieving  
> poetry from the database.
> The Validator should allow any type of text, including HTML tags,  
> between <textarea> and </textarea> on a form.

No, it shouldn't, since XHTML doesn't allow that. If you want  a '<'  
character as text, then you must represent it as &lt;.

David Dorward

Received on Monday, 10 September 2007 08:21:39 UTC