Re: Improvements to SOAP warnings and fatal errors (and other error identifiers)

On 9/6/07, olivier Thereaux <> wrote:
> Our main parser (for validation against DTDs), opensp, has the
> wonderful feature, that with each error, it gives a little code that
> says "by the way, this is error 128". Other parsers certainly have
> that way of giving an id for each error, but they're not sharing it
> with the client. This is a problem for the validator, which now uses
> XML::LibXML for XML well-formedness checking, and probably in the
> future, for checks against XML schema, schematron, relaxng...
> No identifier for each single error means no way to have (like we
> have for DTD validation) a library of explanations and suggestions
> for fixes. My two ideas to resolve this are:
> * extract a list of all errors from libxml and assign an id to each,
> match with regexp each time one is thrown
> * suggest to Daniel and the libxml team to "expose" the error ids, if
> they exist.

Just an observation: even if Daniel and the libxml team agree to
expose their error ids, as you integrate more 3rd-party parsers the
probabilty approaches 1 that you will integrate a parser that doesn't
grant you that convenience. Eventually you'll probably be forced to
chose the less elegant suggestion #1 for some parser(s).

Whole-site HTML validation, link checking and more

Received on Friday, 7 September 2007 03:45:47 UTC