Re: [VE][73] end tag for "FORM" which is not finished.

There is interesting thing, like going from Newton mechanics to
Einstein relativity some laws that are valid if speed is much less
then speed of light Newton laws of mechanics are valid, if speed goes
close to speed of light you have to apply relativity laws.

Interesting parallel is with static HTML documents and dynamic
AJAX/like documents that are made in fly. Still basic "rules" should
apply to dynamic content generation. Now DTD for such concept maybe
should be different... I wonder will development of standards go in
that direction?

Sorry for my "thinking aloud"...


On 9/1/07, Jukka K. Korpela <> wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2007, Brenton Strine wrote:
> > The validator doesn't like my empty form:
> It has no likes or dislikes. It only answers the question you asked it to
> solve, even though you might not have realized you asked it: does this
> document conform to the Document Type Definition that it declares to
> conform to?
> > <form method="post" name="name" action="action"></form>
> Apparently you are using a Document Type Definition that does not allow
> such an element.
> > What is the valid way to do it?
> Using a Transitional DTD. The Strict DTDs require that a form element
> contain at least one block element or script element. You can make the
> markup valid by putting <div></div> inside the form, but then it's not an
> empty form any more, even though there's no _visible_ content.
> --
> Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Sunday, 2 September 2007 20:36:27 UTC