Warning: Config::General 2.36 is incompatible with the validator


Config::General 2.36 [0] was released today, unfortunately with a regression 
that affects the validator in its default configuration.  Details at 

Symptom: everything fails, a "Software error" page is displayed containing 
something like:

    Use of uninitialized variable ($Base) while loading config entry:
    Templates = $Base/share/templates
    at /usr/share/w3c-markup-validator/cgi-bin/check line 118

Workaround: uncomment the definition of "Base" on line 24 of validator.conf 
and set it to an appropriate value for your setup.  The effect of this 
workaround is that the W3C_VALIDATOR_HOME environment value has no effect.

[0] 2.34 and 2.35 which were in CPAN for a short time also have this issue.

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2007 17:56:05 UTC