[VE][68] Limitations of "Group Error Messages by type"

Given this (invalid) minimal test case:

    <title>Message sorting</title>
    <h1>Message sorting</h1>

      <li><div>End tag for div missing

The validator, as expected, reports:

> Error [68]: "end tag for X omitted, but its declaration does not  
> permit this"

It then informs the user:

> The next message, "start tag was here" points to the particular  
> instance of the tag in question); the positional indicator points  
> to where the validator expected you to close the tag.

And it is right:

> #  Info  Line 7, Column 9: start tag was here.
>      <li><div>End tag for div missing

However, if "Group Error Messages by type" is selected, the  
informational message does not appear. So the description of the  
first error is incorrect (and the HTML is a lot harder to debug in  
cases more complex then then this minimal test case).

Additionally, the choice of case for "Group Error Messages by type",  
and the rest of the Options panel seems a little odd. Some parts are  
in Title Case, while others are in Sentence case. The "Group Error  
Messages by type" option switches half way through!

David Dorward

Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2007 15:32:43 UTC