[Suggestion] Wrong environment variable specified when validating ($_SERVER['http-accept])

The exemple of what I'm discussing can be seen here : http://tecfa.unige.ch/perso/maltt/davidco0/ 

When declaring the Mime-type of a document as " application/xhtml+xml ", IE7 will ask you if he must save the document or else.. Well, he is just NOT recognising this mime-type as a web document.. You're probably aware of that..

So the solution I've found was to use the PHP environment variable $_SERVER['http-accept] to determine wheter or not my pages should be declared variable " application/xhtml+xml " or "text/html". Indeed, this variable specify in Opera and Firefox if the value " application/xhtml+xml ", which IE does not.

Your validator is displaying a warning concerning the mime-type because it is not sending that request. 

The suggestion is simply to add it in your request headers ^_^


David Coll

Received on Friday, 2 November 2007 22:17:28 UTC