Re: Ascii as a subset

On 5/29/07, Dana C. Chandler III <> wrote:
> I sent this question off recently: Is there a definitive list of
> Character sets that have ASCII as  a subset?

If by "definitive" you mean "published by an authoritative
organization" then I think the best place to look would be the IANA
since they publish the charset registry:

My guess is that they don't bother to enumerate which encodings are
ASCII supersets.

It'd be a pretty daunting task to sort *all* encodings based on
whether or not they're ASCII supersets. There's a lot of encodings and
the list is not static. (Note that the IANA list changed just two
weeks ago.) But in practice I don't think it would be hard to make a
list that covers all of the encodings you're likely to encounter,
especially if your application's domain is narrowly-defined.

Good luck

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