XSD validator

Hi, today I tested the XSD validator for the first time,
source:    <http://freenet-homepage.de/Xyzzy/sitemap.xml>
validator: <http://www.w3.org/2001/03/webdata/xsv>

With ouput option... 
* text/html (styled server-side: suits Netscape, older IE)
...I run into an error:

| Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not
| reserve enough space for object heap 

Whatever this problem is, it's likely not the size of the
source (8 lines, 582 bytes).  When I pick output option...
* xml, but labelled text/plain (works for any browser, but hard to read)
...all is fine.


Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2007 19:24:14 UTC