Re: Validation being kinda wierd...

Removing the backslash at the end of the style sheet link seems to 
fix the problem, but I'm not sure why that causes the problem in the 
first place...


<link href="./templates/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


<link href="./templates/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >

At 4:51 AM -0600 3/8/07, Swivelgames Support wrote:
>Hey, I have recently made 
>'' valid, but 
>I was kind of shocked when I found out what I had to do to make it 
>If you go there and look at the source, you can see that there is 
>not end </head> tag, nor is there a <body> tag.. immediately you 
>would think, thats not valid, but according to the validator it is. 
>It told me that my source code was not valid when I had the </head>, 
>and <body> tags in, and they were in a logical spot. I've never had 
>this problem, and I always put the tags in the same spot, and 
>nothing seems to be wrong.
>Please help me figure out why I cant have an end </head> and a 
><body> tag in my source code. I would like them to be there.
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Received on Thursday, 8 March 2007 15:53:55 UTC