Inconsistene config file syntax

Consider this extract from logprocess.conf:

##  MailFrom : From: address for e-mail output  ##
## Unless the relevant option is specified when running the LogValidator,
## the mail output will use ServerAdmin (see above) as From: and To:
## This option allows you to override the From: parameter
## DEFAULT  = ServerAdmin
# MailFrom:

## Title : a more useful Subject: for the Mail output and <title> for 
HTML Output ##
## Tell the mail/HTML output what this config is all about
## and make them use a better subject than the vanilla "LogValidator 
## DEFAULT = Logvalidator results
# Title = Logvalidator results

##  [apache] DocumentRoot : where the files are located  ##
## For some log formats, it is necessary to know where the actual files
## reside on the server
DocumentRoot /var/www/

In particular look at the three fields and their format. In the space of 
three items we have

Name: Value
Name = Value
Name value

This is inconsistent and confusing and seems likely to lead to bugs. 
Perhaps LogValidator should pick one syntax and stick to it? Better yet, 
just make this all XML. This really is a classic example of why plain 
text is not simpler than XML.

Elliotte Rusty Harold
Java I/O 2nd Edition Just Published!

Received on Thursday, 15 February 2007 19:39:41 UTC