Re: Invalid after having been balid for like 6 months?

[please keep www-validator mailing-list in loop, thank you]

Hi Herbert,

On Fri, Aug 03, 2007, Herbert Glarner wrote:
> Some of them of very intolerant nature, e.g.: Previously pages validated
> when the <?xml> statement was in the first "real" line (i.e. when there was
> a preceding blank line as was the case with my pages) - now it must be the
> really first line, no blank space allowed anymore or it won't validate any
> longer.

Those are the basic rules of XML... All I can say is that it *is*
regrettable the validator didn't enforce these rules before. But it
isn't regrettable that the validator improves over time.

> Indeed. However, the reason for my anger is that I spent uncounted hours in
> order to have all pages validated as per the "autoritative validator" only
> to find out that it was in no way autoritative, meaning that I have to spend
> several more hours to fix effectively all my site's pages. - Allright, by
> now I should have fixed most of the pages.

The Markup validator has never been, will never be, authoritative.
Only authoritative are the specs, the validator is a tool that builds
upon thoses specs. The validator is reliable for 99.99% of the cases,
but it's not the authority on what is HTML, or XHTML.
> > I can't even connect to your site, right now, so it's hard to see
> > what's going on.
> Is this still true for you?

No, it came back indeed. And the page now validates. Well done.

Received on Friday, 3 August 2007 10:48:49 UTC