Re: Version number in your tarballs.

Hi Kumar,

On Wed, Aug 01, 2007, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> I'd like to request you to consider making available a copy of the downloadable
> tarball with a version number appended to it. For example, could you make the
> current version's tarball validator-0.8.0.tar.gz? It would help because
> automated tracking of the source version number would become easy, and detecting
> a new release would be made simple. (I use Debian GNU/Linux, and the packages
> page on Debian tracks the latest version of packages if the
> package-<version>.tar.gz technique is adopted.)

Actually, while we generally only publicize the latest version, all the
version tarballs are available:


Received on Thursday, 2 August 2007 14:01:49 UTC