Re: XHTML 1.1 as text/html

Am 26.04.2007 um 17:59 schrieb David Dorward:

> On Thu, Apr 26, 2007 at 04:55:12PM +0100, Jon Ribbens wrote:
>> Are you sure? I have 7.0.4730.11 here and it specifically accepts
>> "application/xaml+xml", but not "application/xhtml+xml". Unless
>> you're referring to the "*/*"?
> */* means "everything", and "application/xhtml+xml" is a subset of
> "everything".

"Everything" in this manner also means, that it accepts all media  
types which are defined by IANA. And that's really not true for IE.  
The opposite is true.
If IE would eat "application/xhtml+xml" we would have much fewer  
problems. But it denies to, it presents a download dialogue, if you  
serve content with "application/xhtml+xml" because it doesn't  
recognise this mimtype. That'S quite the opposite of accepting  
Presenting "*/*", IE lies. IE including IE7 in fact does *not* accept  

Sierk Bornemann

Received on Thursday, 26 April 2007 16:56:21 UTC