Re: XTHML 1.0 Strict validation of noscript

>>> The real reason is that you have <noscript> inside a <p> element.
>>> That's not allowed.
>> But a <script> is?
> Yes.
>> Considering that in 99% of cases a <noscript> will be used to provide an
>> alternative to the output of a <script>, why allow one and not the  
>> other?
> Beats me. But that's _not_ a validator issue.

Yes, as I mentioned in the previous message, I understood that, I was just  
wondering if you knew the reasons behind the different treatment in the  

By the way, I've noticed that in XHTML 1.1 <noscript> seems to have been  

I tried simply changing the doctype of these pages to 1.1 and the  
validator doesn't complain about the <noscript> being there (and  
everything else validates, and the page looks fine).


Received on Sunday, 15 October 2006 22:46:14 UTC