Re: feedback mail links


On Oct 10, 2006, at 02:58 , Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
>> [ Add your message/question here.
>>  Follow the instructions at
>> ]
> To validator people: this simply does not work. I'd suggest that  
> you stop using such links in the error messages

The links from the error messages point to a page of instructions,  
which then have a link to the mailto:.
So the validator is already doing what you suggest.

> and instead make it clear, on the validator's main page, what the  
> recommended procedure in problem cases is:
> - read the explanations; give them some time
> - check the FAQ
> - if problems remain, re-read the explanations and the FAQ; your  
> problem _is_ there
> - if problems still remain, send a message to ... and specify the  
> URL of your problem page and the line number and the code number of  
> the error message that you don't understand.

I'll include these good ideas into the text of the feedback page, and  
remove the "follow the instructions bit" which indeed noone seems to  
think should be removed...


Received on Tuesday, 10 October 2006 01:48:55 UTC