Re: Error Message Feedback


jkartak wrote:

> RE: My webpage at
>  I'm getting different results from validating by direct pasting  and by
>  entering URL address   Pasting says all okay, but when I try to validate
>  by URL address results say 27 errors!   Not sure what to do.  Help!

I can only guess, because I don't know the code that you have uploaded to
the validator and the website. But the HTML code of the document under the
URL above looks as if much of it has been generated by the hosting
service 'rootsweb'. The document that you have uploaded (and validated
using direct input) is probably not identical to the code available trough
rootsweb - perhaps it just takes the body out of your document and adds its
own stuff before and after it.
This may also mean that your document was validated against a different
document type than the document on rootsweb (XHTML 1.0 Transitional). Try
to change the document type declaration of your document to

Transitional//EN" "">

and revalidate it using direct input - this *may* reproduce the errors that
you see when validating by URL.

But I may also be totally wrong... ;)


Benjamin Niemann
Email: pink at odahoda dot de

Received on Tuesday, 3 October 2006 19:09:18 UTC