- From: Adam <adam.kubina@lycos.de>
- Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 14:20:58 +0100
- To: <www-validator@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <000201c700dd$3b6118e0$14b2a8c0@Toshiba>
Aloa, thanks for your feedback! I will try to incorporate your sugestions about CSS border-spacing, but i havnt so far. Hopefully this will work. Thanks for this tip. About "evil" frames: iam developing an insurance page for a customer and we came to the decision to use frames to get a better SE ranking for a particular page with the most popular keywords. In the main frame all pages point via a link to the "main" page to give a little of theire PageRank to the "main" page. the main frame is of course indexed. The second frame on the left side isnt indexed, but contains a menu to navigate through all pages. If a page get called outside the frameset a javascript redirect is triggered to load the complete frameset. If you like, you can check it out: www.Versicherungen-ABC.info Its still under construction. With simulated frames (to be able to navigate through all pages) the pages has to be linked again each other, where the PageRank will be distributes evenly over all pages. This you couldnt do by div simulated frames! In this case iam gratefull for the "devil". greets, adam PS: i have to have proper HTML code since this is required by my customer.
Received on Sunday, 5 November 2006 13:28:59 UTC