Error when running

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am encountering two problems when attempting to run the Log Validator.

I am running the script under cygwin, on a windows xp machine.

The first issue is that the script always uses default
settings even when I specify a config file to use. To get the pl file to use
my simple list of urls instead of server logs I had to modify the default
setting in

The second more serious problem is as follows - the script executes and
gives the following error :

[stapletonc@TOPCAT2][/cygdrive/c/temp/validation]=> -f
/cygdrive/c/temp/validation/logprocess.conf    (console)[14:5806-05-29]
Reading logfiles: Done!
Now Using the Basic module...
Can't locate object method "process_list" via package
"W3C::LogValidator::SurveyEngine" at
line 335.

I installed all the modules with CPAN and they worked fine. The sub
process_list seems to be all the modules and I cannot understand why I am
getting the errors. If I remove the SurveyEngine from the
logprocess.plfile, the next module throws the same error.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Conor Stapleton

Received on Tuesday, 30 May 2006 01:52:46 UTC