Feed Validator : Parsing error in Atom [entity preceding closing tag]

When submitting a document in Atom format to the feed validator service 

Inclusion of an &amp; entity followed by a single character in the range a-zA-Z only, before the closing <title /> element tag causes the feed validator to report " EOF in middle of entity" :

Use of more than one alpha character after the &amp; entity does not cause this error in the validator.
It should of course be reasonable to end a title element in for example E&amp;O, or in our case the abbreviation for a company, i.e A&amp;L

I haven't tested any elements other than <title /> and <content /> : content seems to work OK though.

Basic repro case follows ; Error message : 
line 1, column 452: Invalid HTML: EOF in middle of entity or char ref

<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"><title>Hargreaves Lansdown News and Research</title><link rel="self" href="http://dev.hlsipp/listings_and_research/news_views.hl"></link><updated>2006-05-25T11:06:39+01:00</updated><id>urn:uuid:2c2416d4-a466-93a4-3db8-9bc2c9300c76</id><entry><author><name>Digital Look</name></author><contributor><name>Hargreaves Lansdown</name></contributor><title type="html">Viridian results higher on Irish businessE&amp;O</title><link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://dev.hlsipp/listings_and_research/rss/articles/704151.hl?rq=article"></link><id>urn:uuid:4e7d0a30-72fb-f689-f50c-016bca3b327b</id><summary type="text">Ulster-based power group Viridian posted a rise in full-year revenue and profits as its energy businesses in Ireland performed strongly</summary><content type="text">Ulster-based power group Viridian posted a rise in full-year revenue and profits as its energy businesses in Ireland performed strongly

Revenue increased to £976m compared with £835m in 2005 due to increased revenue from NIE Supply and Viridian Power &amp; Energy.

&quot;Our regulated businesses in Northern Ireland have each delivered strong performances while meeting the demands of their price controls, said chairman Dipesh Shah.

Pre-tax profit soared to £129m from £76m last year, while the pro-forma operating profit from continuing operations increased to £132m from £119m.

&quot;We place the delivery of strong operating performance at the heart of our approach to the business, as demonstrated again by this year's results,&quot; added the group.</content><updated>2006-05-23T08:52:00+01:00</updated><published>2006-05-25T11:06:39+01:00</published><category term="News and Announcements" label="Company News : News and Announcements"></category></entry></feed>

For more information on Hargreaves Lansdown, visit our web site http://www.hargreaveslansdown.co.uk
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Received on Thursday, 25 May 2006 10:37:20 UTC