Re: [VE][63] Error Message Feedback

John Norrbin wrote:

> Validating Error [63]: "character data is not allowed here"
> Hi, i keep getting this error if i add anything inside the head of my
> xhtml-mp web document. For instance, this is the head of my document:
> [snip]
> PS, my doctype is <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile
> 1.0//EN" "">

I suspect that the validator does not recognize this declaration as being a
kind of XHTML and you are sending the document as text/html, thus it treats
your document as HTML. Then "<meta .../>" is equivalent to "<meta ...>&gt;"
with &gt; being the character data it complains about.
Because XHTML Mobile is based on the modularized XHTML, it probably has to
be served as application/xhtml+xml anyway, which would make it unambiguous
for the validator that XML rules apply. 

Benjamin Niemann
Email: pink at odahoda dot de

Received on Friday, 23 June 2006 15:23:14 UTC