Re: Parsing HREFs?

Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

> A reference to Netscape 3.x, historically interesting as it
> might be, does not make a document very convincing these days

Okay, but it's correct.  Curious minds might try to invent wild
and wonderful workarounds for this "&-bug", all of them failing
miserably, not limited to my historically interesting browser.

It's no "bug", it's a "feature", the historically interesting
example tries to make this point as simple as possible for all
readers not familiar with entities and SGML.

It could be translated into a "if browsers would try to match"
etc. statement, but a real example is IMHO more convincing than
hypothetical speculations.
                           Bye, Frank

Received on Sunday, 19 February 2006 13:00:46 UTC