Re: possible error in validator

Hello Jesse,

On 12 Sep 2005, at 01:25, wrote:
> When you have an xhtml 1.0 strict dtd document, and you
> self-close a script tag. ie: <script /> it will work in FF, but
> it will not render in the site in IE. This syntax is INCORRECT
> obviosuly but the validator does not say there is an error.

It's always better to use facts and references when claiming that  
something is "obviously incorrect"...

The <script /> construct  is valid according to the formal grammar of  
XHTML. It is, indeed, not respecting the (informative) third point of  
appendix C of the XHTML specification [1]. Appendix C is a collection  
of guidelines to make XHTML content "work" with user agents which  
understand HTML but not XHTML, such as... IE.


Since that appendix is informative, even if the validator went beyond  
its job and checked conformance issues beyond validity, this would  
not be an error, possibly just a warning.


Received on Monday, 12 September 2005 01:55:54 UTC