Error Message Feedback

Dear sir:

   I have some problem about my webpage , I have tested it and modify 
some code .But it  remain has four errors :
1 |there is no attribute "onMouseOver".

|  ...nMouseOver="changeImg(1)" onMouseOut=*"*sourceImg(1)"><img src="img/menu1.gif" 

2 |there is no attribute "onMouseOut".
| ||...nMouseOver="changeImg(1)" onMouseOut=*"*sourceImg(1)"><img src="img/menu1.gif" 

3 |there is no attribute "background".
| ||<td  background=*"*img/gs_02.gif" height="30" width="201" >

4 |//end tag for "div" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified.
| </body*>*   

my website is : |

Received on Sunday, 9 October 2005 09:22:57 UTC