
I find your service to be extremely valuable in creating my web pages.
However, I do have the following comment concerning the W3C Link Checker.
In checking a page on my site: I
first made sure that it was XHTML valid (returned 0 errors and was indeed
valid). I then proceeded to do a link check on it since I have been making
some minor changes and wanted to make sure that I didn't miss one.
Everything looks okay, except for the following check:
Checking link
HEAD  fetched in 1.1s

In checking this link I receive an ERROR 404 for that web page on line 1
(where my !DOCTYPE declaration is). Later in the <head> of the document I do
set a <base href= />. My !DOCTYPE is:
<!DOCTYPE html

     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="">

Is there something I am not doing correctly to make this valid?
THank you,
Ron Stevens

Received on Monday, 28 November 2005 17:09:02 UTC