Re: How do i configure checklink ( Link Checker)

On Thu, May 05, 2005, rogz sth wrote:

> I have configured the w3c but i am not able to configure the link
> checker althoug i can install it in linux. so how do i configure
> checklink with the validator.

Not an easy question to answer if you're not giving us more details of
what you tried and why you think you are "not able to configure the
link checker"...

I assume you have installed it properly, and that the your link checker
works properly from the command line, then installing it as a cgi is
only a matter of Web server configuration, e.g on one of my instances I
use apache and:
    ScriptAlias /validator/checklink "/my/path/to/checklink"

Also note that  would recommend that you get familiar with the
commandline tool if you made the effort to install it on your machine,
since it's rather more powerful, doesn't suffer from browser timeouts
when checking documents with a lot of links, etc. That's a matter of
taste, of course...

Hope this helps.

Received on Friday, 6 May 2005 05:04:28 UTC