validation for 508 (accessibility) compliance?


Is anyone using the w3c validator for accessibility compliance (e.g. in
the U.S. there's a 'section 508'):

"Section 508 requires that Federal agencies' electronic and information
technology is accessible to people with disabilities."

Example rules include:
In order for screen readers to make sense of a table, you must format
your tables verbosely 
      * Row and column headers must be identified for all tables 
              * Use <th> tags for the headers of generated tables, and
                <td> for the table’s data 
      * Markup must be used for tables with two or more logical levels
        of depth 
              * Summary values set in <table> tags (<table
                summary=”Search Results”>) 
              * Scope values within <td> tags (<td scope=”row”>) 


I haven't seen a '508' or 'html accessibility' dtd.


bill m

Received on Monday, 28 March 2005 17:12:44 UTC