Re: [VE][74] Error Message Feedback

Rahul Lonkar wrote:
> Hi
> How do i solve this problem please tell me.

Without a URL, it's difficult to say for sure, but I'll take an educated 
guess to help you solve the problem.  If you still can't fix it, reply 
with a URL.

> Error:  start tag for "LI" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
> <strong>What do I get when I insure with ChoiceQuote?</strong>

That means you have a list, either an <ol> or <ul>, which require all 
children elements to be <li> element.

   <li>This is a valid list item</li>
   <strong>This is not</strong>
   <li><strong>but this is</strong></li>

However, in your case, it may be that you have finished the list, but 
have accidentially omitted the end tag for the list (</ul> or </ol>). 
in which case, simply add </ul> or </ol> after the last list item in the 
list.  After this, though, if the following markup is the example 
provided above (<strong>What do I get... </strong>), then that will most 
likely need to be placed within a block level element, usually a <p>. 
However, as I said, it's difficult to know without a URL, so please be 
sure to provide one for any future assistance.

Lachlan Hunt     Rediscover the Web Reclaim your Inbox

Received on Saturday, 19 March 2005 05:34:54 UTC