Re: [VE][64] Error Message Feedback

On Fri, 18 Mar 2005, sudheerk wrote:

>      My <colorcombination> tag has two elements, such that either of two
> can exist or only one can exist, but atleast one must exist and two
> elements has to be existed only once in that <colocombination> tag.

And how does this requirement relate to the validator? It sounds like you
have a problem with writing a DTD, probably an XML DTD. So I'm afraid it
might be off-topic in the www-validator list. But briefly, if that's the
sole content of an element, and if either order is to be allowed, then I
would say that you can use a content model like
(A | B | A B | B A)?

(Disclaimer: I'm not that good in XML DTDs.)

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Friday, 18 March 2005 13:28:07 UTC