a bug or a missunderstanding

Hi there.

I wanted to validate my html-code (XHTML 1.0 Transitional).
This construct was reported to be invalid:
<a href='some_link.html' style='display: block;' >
        Title<br />
        <div style='margin-left: 320px; font-size: 9px;'>01.01.2005</div>
    <img src='some_image.gif' width='10' height='10' alt='description'
style='float: right;' />Some teaser text...<br />
    <div style='margin-left: 300px;'>[more...]</div>

The validator reported, that I must not place an block-element (like h1)
inside an inline-element (like a). As You can see, my a-element is
explicitely set to 'display: block;'.
My question:
Is it a bug or a missing feature of the validator, not to interpret the
style-directive display: block and still assuming, any a-element to be an
Or is the error, reported to me, unclear, in the way, that the problem has
nothing to do with an surrounding element being a block- or an

Thanks for a brief answer...


Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:43:44 UTC