Re: [VE][65] Error Message Feedback

Hello Ross,

On Tue, Jun 21, 2005, Ross Bemrose wrote:
> I believe that this error is some sort of bug:

> /Line 116, column 3/: document type does not allow element "H3" here; 
> missing one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag

As the error message explanation states, the most likely cause for this
error is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (h3)
inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

Since you are not giving a URI, it is difficult for us to guess exactly
what the problem in your document is, but my assumption is that you
forgot to close an inline element, or that you tried to put h3 inside an
inline element. 


Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2005 01:45:25 UTC