Re: Which DTD is better Transitional or Strict?

David Dorward wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 06:10:21AM +0200, Frank Ellermann wrote:
>>align="right" is rather essential

align="right" is the same as float:right; in CSS.  The only reason 
people ever need to use align="right" (or class="right", as I see quite 
often these days) is when they don't think about semantics and, 
therefore, have no other way of identifying which content they want to 
present nor why they want it presented in that way.

>>for <del> to have any effect you need <s><del>,

What for?  Most, if not all, modern GUI browsers render <s> and <del> in 
the same way.  What's the point in using <s>?

> <del> isn't very commonly used though.

Actually, I see it used quite often, along with <ins>, particularly when 
authors edit blog entries.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Monday, 20 June 2005 07:39:51 UTC